Marriage Uncomplicated was an eight-week workshop and research study. The study looked at how to understand the challenges couples face when one partner has ADHD and the other does not.

These couples worked hard over the eight weeks and together found ways to improve their relationships, bringing back the joy!

We have completed gathering the data and want to thank the 26 couples who participated in this study. We anticipate that the results will be revealed in 2023. 

What was learned in the study?

The 23 Ways: How ADHD Affects Your Life As A Couple
Facts and myths of ADHD
How minds think differently
Your role in this partnership
Leveraging your strengths as a couple
Importance of time management
Improved communications and coping skills & strategies
Situational anxiety, procrastination, and feeling overwhelmed
A better sense of self and well-being


What couples with one ADHD member want to tell you
about their experience with Marriage Uncomplicated.

Changed our lives

I recently had an opportunity to share with some other couples a strategy that works for us. My husband started using the planner recently. He makes his to do list, he plans out his day, he even jots down notes so that he doesn’t lose thoughts that he wants to tell me.  This has dramatically changed our lives for the better. Projects are getting accomplished and Mike feels so much better about himself.  Honestly I think that’s the best part of using the planner. I know he’s a capable person and with the planner he’s able to see it for himself!

F.Y 2020

Using Time Slots

Putting things in time slots vs the laundry list that I rolled forward each day, has been very helpful. Writing things down, scheduling my thoughts in the day. Working well to get tasks done.

A.B., 2019

All data collected is confidential and participant names are not revealed in order to protect their identity.


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